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Ordinary General Meeting of UNIPETROL, a.s. will be held on:

18 June 2010 at 8 am,

in the Konferenční centrum CITY, Prague 4 – Pankrác , Na Strži 1676/63, Postal Code: 140 62,

Documents for download before General Meeting:

Announcement [111 kB]
Reguest for insertion of additional points into agenda [61 kB]
Number of shares and votes [15 kB]
Power of attorney - individual [165 kB]
Power of attorney - company / legal entity [170 kB]
Presence of shareholders at General Meeting [18 kB]
Summary of resolutions [65 kB]
Rules of procedures [22 kB]
Management report [324 kB]
Explanatory report [82 kB]
Control report of Supervisory Board [134 kB]
Report on analysis of the Supervisory Board [15 kB]
Audit committee report [62 kB]
Audit unconsolidated financial statements [3 MB]
Audit consolidated financial statements [4 MB]
Profit distribution for 2009 [7 kB]
Notice on insertion of points to agenda [29 kB]
Reasons of amendments of Article of Association [91 kB]
Draft of resolution of changes in Article of Association [2 MB]
Reasons of changes in Supervisory Board [21 kB]
Draft of resolution of changes in Supervisory Board [21 kB]
Reasons for selection of Auditor [21 kB]
Draft of resolution for selection of Auditor [31 kB]

Značky Skupiny UNIPETROL